Come learn how easy it is to test your neurotransmitters and adrenals, determine where your imbalances are and how readily available lab tests can help determine these imbalances.
Topics to be discussed:
· Adrenals, neurotransmitters and how they affect our daily lives
· Tests to determine imbalances of adrenals and neurotransmitters in the body
· How the adrenals and neurotransmitter imbalances affect:
o Stress and anxiety
o Energy
o Sleep
o Bone density
o PMS, menopause
o Weight
o Thyroid
· Actual case studies will be presented
Registration and display tables:
6:15 P.M. – 7 P.M.
Lecture: 7:00-9:30 PM
Ticket: $15.00
Westin Waltham
70 Third Ave
Waltham, MA 02451
There will be display tables featuring:
- Information about custom compounding by the compounding pharmacists from Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center
- Anne Ingard P.T from Ingard Physical Therapy providing information about low level laseer therapy and orthopedic physical therapy
- Enyzmedica providing information about their therapeutic enzymes and samples
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