Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A fan of Johnson Compounding and Wellness has a special offer for you!

Rachel is a fan of Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center and has seen great results from our services and products:
“After many years of managing health issues through various practitioners, I am now in the best health ever thanks to Gary Kracoff and Johnson Compounding,” said Rachel.   “I want everyone to experience great health.  As my thanks to Gary I want to give Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center customers a push toward better health.” R.K. Newton MA.
Rachel is a young and passionate woman who will energize you with her love for fitness and health.  ENERGIZE Fitness Studio offers a fusion of fitness services in a comfortable, nurturing environment, encouraging you and your family to be fitter, healthier people.  Energize offers personal training & small group training, yoga & unique fitness classes as well as family, youth & senior fitness programs.  Energize has free parking and no membership fees.  Rather you pay for programs where you always get personalized attention.
We hope you will take advantage of this great offer from Energize:

Plus 10% off a fitness package
 when you mention Johnson Compounding (valid through October 30).

Register for a class on the classes page at  Use the promo code: 2free on the payment screen. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Indie drugstore reinvents itself

The Boston Herald had a story on the transformation of Johnson Drug to Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center.  Here is the link.  Indie drugstore reinvents itself

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lecture: Are you about to become unraveled?

Are you about to become unraveled?
If you deal with stress on a daily basis, you may be closer than you think.

Did you know chronic stress leads to chronic health problems such as;
  • chronic fatigue
  • insomnia
  • weight gain
  • digestive disorders
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • high blood sugar
  • depression
  • allergies
  • headaches
  • sexual dysfunction
  • poor memory
  • pms
These a few of the chronic issues that stress can lead to.

Join us Tuesday November 2nd at 7:00 PM to find out why this can happen and what you can do to get back in balance and regain control over your stressful life.

Seating is limited, pre-purchase of tickets (10.00) suggested

Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center
577 Main Street Waltham, MA02452

Cold Remedy Alternatives For Kids - Video - WCVB Boston

Many cough and cold products were pulled off the market recently.  WCVB in Boston was in and asked what can parents do when their children get sick.

I talked about all the wonderful homeopathic products and probiotics available that are side effect free, easy to use and very effective.

Please stop in Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center or give me a call at 781-893-3870 for suggestions as to what to have on hand and what to do as the cold and flu season approaches.

Cold Remedy Alternatives For Kids - Video - WCVB Boston

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stop the Flu before it Gets you

Over the last few weeks, the phone has been ringing off the hook with questions about the flu, colds and what can be done to assist the immune system.

A healthy diet(no hydrogenated fats, white flour, white sugar,etc), a good nights sleep, exercise and washing hands are very important. 

There are a few things you can take that also help support the immune system. 

  • The first is a high potency probioitic such as Enterobiotic or HLC High Potency Caps.  60% of our immune system response comes from the healthy bacteria in the GI system.  Probiotics are our first line of defense.
  • A new product I am very excited about is Virastop2.  It is an enzyme product, taken on an empty stomach that dissolves the protein coating on viruses.  By taking Virastop2 once a day, you are helping Nature protect you the way Nature intended.  This product does not attack the good bacteria or any healthy cells in the body, the enzymes attack viruses and opportunistic  organisms.
Virastop 2X is on sale 20% off while supplies last

Click here to see how Proteases destroy viruses
Click here for a testimonial

Full Spectrum Light Box; Help for Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a debilitating mood disorder. As many as 10 million North Americans experience SAD each year.

Fall is here, and the intensity and amount of sunshine we are exposed to is decreasing each day. Now is the time to start using a light box, to help prevent SAD before it hits!

Full Spectrum Light light box is only $199.95.

Blue Cross Blue Shield has coverage for the full spectrum light boxes. Call Lisa or Mary at 781-893-3870 x 4 for more information.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Take the Digest Challenge!

Results in just 14 days or your money back

Over 95 million people in the U.S. experience some kind of digestive problem. According to the NIH, in 2004, direct and indirect costs of digestive diseases totaled an estimated $141.8 billion in the United States alone. Though many suffer, few have to. We feel that nearly all digestive complaints are caused by an inability to properly digest foods we consume.

Enzymes are considered an ideal solution. Performing a multitude of functions in the body, enzymes aid everything from digestion to healthy energy levels. Taking a supplemental enzyme formula will create a foundation of wellness.

Soothe Digestive Distress:

Enzymes are the primary movers and shakers of the digestive process, maximizing nutrient extraction and turning the food we eat into energy. Produced by the body, and available from certain foods and supplements, they include amylase for carbohydrates, lipase for fats, protease for proteins, and cellulose for fiber. Reduced enzyme capacity and impaired digestion commonly results in symptoms of gas, bloating, and distention. A daily enzyme supplement provides the body needed support, creating the foundation of a healthy digestive process.

Increase Energy:

When we eat a meal, we often take for granted the exhaustive process that we casually call digestion. According to Yuri Elkaim author of Eating for Energy, in most cases, up to 80% of our body’s vital energy is spent on digestion. Imagine if you could gain back even a small fraction of that energy! Supplemental enzymes support the breakdown and absorption of foods, freeing up enormous amounts of energy, therefore increasing physical vitality and enhancing energy levels.

Promote Regularity:

Undigested food particles in the intestine can irritate and potentially damage the bowel wall. Given time, this irritation may reduce our digestive capacity and influence the absorption process. Supplemental enzymes will aid proper digestion, encouraging a healthy intestinal environment, helping to relieve occasional constipation and irregularity.

Digest Basic 90’s with 30 free!

On sale now 20%off

120 capsules for only $13.56

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Learn about the proper way to detoxify and improve your health

Tuesday September 21st 7:00 PM

Detoxification (detox) is the most exciting tool in natural medicine for its simplicity, low cost and superior therapeutic results. It is actually fun to participate and you will feel results almost immediately.

Our bodies detox continuously as a natural function. It is only when our detox mechanisms become overloaded that the process becomes less efficient and symptoms occur. Toxins may be internal or external in origin.

Pollution or pesticides in our food put undue stress on our detox organs, the kidneys and liver. Improper digestion and imbalanced gut ecology provide internal forms of toxins in the way of metabolic by-products stemming from certain bacteria which have toxic side effects and therefore impact negatively on our overall health by compromising our detox pathways.

Our fall detox program will address these issues and more.

This detoxification program includes 4 support meetings, guidelines, all pertinent materials, a private consultation with Dr. Gary to fine tune your protocol and your 28 day supply of nutritional detox supplements that are the backbone of this program. (all this for only $300.00)

• Tuesday October 5th 7PM
     o A brief introduction to explain this detox program, why it is important for your health, what to expect, what you need to do, and an explanation of the products necessary for a successful detox.
     o Receive your supplements and directions on how to take them
• Tuesday October 12th
      o 6:30-7:00PM discuss how the first week progressed, explain the next step in the detox
      o 7:00PM Five Star Chef German Lam will help us cook a delicious dinner for the group, showing how easy and nutritious meals can be cooked easily. Bring a hearty appetite!
• Tuesday October 19th
     o 6:30-7:00PM discussion on how we are all progressing, and next steps in the detox
     o 7:00pm Exercise: Personal trainer Joshua will lead us in an hour of exercises we can do at home to aid in detoxing, lymphatic drainage and general health. Wear your gym clothes and get ready for a fun workout!
• Tuesday October 26th
     o 7:00 PM discussion on how we are each doing, how to build this into your lifestyle and how to keep moving forward toward great health
 Lecture space is limited; reserve you seat ($10.00/ticket)

Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center
 577 Main Street Waltham MA 781-893-3870

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rodman Ride for Kids: Your support is appreciated

Last year, I participated as a bike rider in the Rodman Ride for Kids. This year I will again be riding 50 miles on Saturday, September 25, 2010.  All funds that I raise will go to the John Andrew Mazie Memorial Foundation.  The Foundation honors John, who was killed by a drunken driver in 1997 at age 26. John was particularly concerned with teenagers who need help to achieve their full potential in high school and find success and happiness.

The Foundation recruits and trains adult volunteers from the community to act as mentors for at-risk, disadvantaged Framingham High School students to enable the teens to learn how to set and achieve goals, to prepare to apply to college or other post-secondary education, and to experience success.  Many of these students come from troubled home lives and/or are having difficulty in school.  Most are from first-generation immigrant families who work more than one job and are unable to help their children in high school or think about college.

Since its inception in 1998, the Foundation’s Mentoring Program has paired over 340 students with mentors. Most have gone on to college or some other post-secondary education.

For more information please visit their website at and/or contact Lauren Kracoff, Program Director, at  They are always looking for support, riders, and mentors to help our students!

I would really appreciate your support as I ride to help this worthwhile organization.  Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

Please click this link to make your tax-deductible donation

Thank you so much for your support.

