Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why choose a PCAB accredited pharmacy?

Choosing your compounding pharmacy may be as important as choosing your doctor. Compounding medications is an integral part of the practice of pharmacy – yet many people may not even be aware of it..

Compounded medications are prescriptions that are written by a physician, veterinarian or other legally authorized prescriber and prepared for an individual patient by a specially trained pharmacist, for situations such as:
  • When a child needs a smaller dose of a medicine that is...(more) 

Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center goes solar

Solar panels on roof
Johnson Compounding and Wellness Center now has a renewable energy system to show the community they are just as committed to a healthy environment as they are to the wellness of their customers. Johnson Compounding, a PCAB Accredited Pharmacy, provides customized naturopathic and homeopathic remedies to meet the health needs of their customers. They address the whole person with legendary service unlike anywhere else.
 SolarFlairEnergy provided financing, design and installation services for this 4.4kW grid-tied solar photovoltaic project in Waltham, Massachusetts.The roof-mounted PV solar system will transform the natural energy of the sun into 25% of the electricity used to run the pharmacy. The solar panels were installed in just 5 business days without disruption to the retail business and the project was right on budget. Johnson Compounding will receive a Federal Stimulus Grant for 30% of the project cost and a rebate for part of their expenses from the Commonwealth Solar II Program. They will generate additional revenue from their panels through the new Massachusetts Solar Renewable Energy Credit Market. The investment for the PV system will break-even within six years.The system has a web-based monitoring system that allows the company to view their energy production and emission savings.Johnson Compounding has made a great business investment and that will simultaneously improve the environment over the 25 year life of the system.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pharmacist expouses benefit of probiotics

By Joyce Kelly/Daily News staff

Daily News Tribune

Posted Aug 17, 2010 @ 02:20 AM

WALTHAM — Growing up in a pharmacy, Gary Kracoff would notice his parents' customers, over the years, as well as their children, required "more and more" medications just to maintain their health, and thought, "there has to be a better way."

Since then, Kracoff, a naturopathic doctor and pharmacist at Johnson Compounding & Wellness Center on Main Street, says rather than simply treat symptoms, people should address the root causes of the problem.

"Most of the things to keep you healthy aren't rocket science. .... (more)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ragweed season is almost here

Ragweed is growing and ready to bloom.  Get ready!

There is no need to suffer from fall allergies or from side effects from prescription and over the counter allergy medications.  Let us help you have the best fall ever.
Please feel free to ask for help to determine what is best for you.  Call 781-893-3870, e-mail or ask you question below in the comment section.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Help for Candida

Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that normally lives in healthy balance in the body.  It is found mostly in the intestines, genital tract, mouth, and throat.  When the balance is upset, overgrowth results.  This is known as Candidiasis and the fungus travels to all parts of the body through the bloodstream.  It affects both women and men.  In the mouth, it is called thrush; in the vagina it is called vaginitis (yeast infection).

Symptoms:  New allergies to foods, fatigue, poor digestion, gas, heartburn, sugar cravings, irritability, frequent headaches, poor memory, “fogged in” feeling, dizziness, recurring depression, vaginal infections, menstrual difficulties, prostatitis, uriary tract infections, hay fever, post nasal drip, habitual coughing, catch colds easily, sore throat, athlete’s foot, skin rash, psoriasis, cold extremities, arthritis-like symptoms.

Enzymes may be very helpful with this overgrowth:
  1. In individuals with Candida overgrowth there is often a large amount of undigested fiber in the large intestine.  It is believed that the mucus that the body naturally produces due to the difficulty of digesting this fiber (cellulose) may protect the Candida from our body’s natural overgrowth prevention mechanisms.  Cellulase is the enzyme that breaks down fiber.  It is also the only digestive enzyme our body does not make.  By adding cellulose to the diet this fiber can be removed along with inappropriate mucus and our body is able to achieve balance.
  2. Fungi (Candida) are a group of organisms formerly regarded as plants lacking chlorophyll.  The can either exists as single cells or make up a multi-cellular body called a mycelium, which consists of filaments known as hyphae.  The cell contains some fungal cellulose or a compound called chitin.  Chitin is a polysaccharide or carbohydrate, which is structurally very similar to cellulose.  For the same reasons cellulose may help remove undigested fiber in the colon, it has been used in breaking down this “cellulose-like” chitin.
  3. The inside of the cell of yeast is mostly protein.  The enzyme protease has the ability to hydrolyze (digest) protein.  Protease has been used in clinics all over the world to break down this fungus and prevent its overgrowth.

Why use Candidase?
  •          Short cleanse of 7-14 days
  •          Reduces “die-off” symptoms
  •          Can be taken for maintenance
  •          Also contains Mucolase, a protein digesting enzyme that targets and breaks down excess mucus.
An effective protocol for Candida should include elimination of white flour, white sugar, and fermented foods.  Include Candidase, a high potency probiotic such as HLC High potency caps or Enterobiotic Plus and a full spectrum digestive enzyme such as Digest Gold.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. 

Friday, August 6, 2010

Trying to hide Toenail Fungus?

Onychomycosis is a localized infection of the nail or nail bed caused by fungi. It is not life threatening; however, it can cause inconvenience, sometimes pain and discomfort. An estimated 11 million Americans suffer from onychomycosis, and up to 48 % have at least one affected toe by the time they reach 70 years old.

Toenail fungus is a chronic condition that gradually progresses to involve more and more of the nail, rarely healing on its own. Even if the affected nail spontaneously falls off or is knocked off, the nail that re-grows is usually infected with fungus.

Presently, the common treatments (although still not very effective) are expensive oral prescription medications with potentially adverse side effects. Systemic fungal treatment has been disappointing to date with side-effects such as nausea, headache, photosensitivity and gastrointestinal intolerance, which has caused the patient to discontinue treatment after a short time.

Applying Revive A Nail and taking orally a well formulated Probiotic will help get you back in balance and decrease the fungi overgrowth.

Since the introduction of acid blocking medications in North America the incidence of onchomycosis has dramatically increased. Treating the affected nails is only part of the solution. One must address the underlying digestive imbalance also to get at the root of the problem.

Revive-A-Nail contains homeopathic remedies and herbal extracts that can be used for the treatment of fungus affecting finger and toe areas. For itching, scaling, cracking, burning, redness, soreness, irritation and discomforts which may accompany this condition. Clean the affected area with soap and water and dry thoroughly. Apply 1-2 drops to the nail and nail bed 3-4 times a day or as directed by your health care provider.

Probiotics such as Enterobiotic Plus or HLC High Potency should be taken to restore the healthy bacteria to the whole body.

Feel free to call or e-mail us for more information.
